Our preschool serves children who are 2-5 years of age. Children do not need to be toilet trained, but those who are not will remain in the Little dOLPHins class until they are. In order for a child to be considered for admission, an application for enrollment must be completed, followed by an interview with the Preschool Director to determine appropriate class assignment.
Upon enrollment, you must file with us the following necessary forms: Emergency Information Form, Child’s Permission, Health History, Physicians Form, Immunization Record, Consent for Medical Treatment, Field Trip Permission Form, Parent’s Rights Form, Personal Rights Form, Child Abuse Form, and Admission Agreement Form
Parents or guardians of any child enrolled in OLPH Preschool or making application for enrollment must notify the Director of any medical condition requiring special attention or consideration.
No deductions or refunds will be made for absences. The tuition contract guarantees a place for your child and is the basis for staff salaries and expenses. Please call the Preschool office if your child will be absent.
Delivery and Pick up of Children
It is very important for you to accompany your children when they arrive at the preschool. The reasons for this are:
- It’s the LAW!
- There is an attendance sheet inside the classroom. Parents must sign the child in for the teacher to assume responsibility for that child.
- It is equally important for you to enter the preschool at the end of the day and sign your child out.
- Law requires complete written name and signatures on sign-in/sign-out sheets.
Authorization to Pick-Up Your Child
If someone other than the parent is dropping off or picking up your child, that person must be listed on your child’s emergency form. We will release your child only to authorized persons. Identification may be requested if the person is not known by our teachers and staff. They must also follow the same procedures of signing in and signing out.
Dress Code
A uniform is required in preschool, but does not need to be purchased through the school uniform company. Guidelines for the uniform are as follows:
Boys: navy, light blue, white or yellow polo shirt, navy pants/shorts, white crew socks, closed toe shoes (tennis shoes are best), any color jacket.
Girls: navy, light blue, white or yellow polo shirt, navy pants/shorts/dress or skirt, white crew socks, closed toe shoes (tennis shoes are best), any color jacket.
Late Pick Up
We realize circumstances can cause you to run late from time to time, but you must try to pick up your children by the end of your child’s class. A phone call will let us know if you are running late. A late pickup fee of $10.00 is charged for any portion of the first 15 minutes and $2.00 for each additional minute.
Please, for the health of your child and others, do not send your child to school when he/she is ill. The staff will assess the health of each child daily. Children with signs of contagious infections will not be allowed to stay at school. They must stay home until they are free of any of the symptoms below for 24 hours.
If your child will not be attending school for any reason, call 327-7741 ext. 213 by 8:00 a.m. so the teacher can be informed. No credit can be given for sick days.
Symptom List
- Diarrhea
- Fever of over 100 degrees or above. Temperature must be normal for 24 hours before returning to school
- Common cold (runny nose, vomiting mucus is the most common sign, also a fever or loss of energy)
- Cough with mucus secretion (wet, wheezy cough), which can spread a bacterial or viral infection. A child experiencing the dry, hacking cough of allergy may come to the school. If there is a questions regarding symptoms, a doctor’s clearance may be required
- A rash or skin infection with drainage. A child having dried skin lesions may come to the school.
- Vomiting recurring or with fever
- Pink eye or conjunctivitis. Child must be on medication for 48 hours before returning to school.
If your child becomes ill while at school and you are called, please cooperate by picking him/her up promptly. If your child has a temperature of 101 degrees or more, we are mandated by the State of California to call you and have you remove the child from the facility.
A “Permission to Administer Medication” form must be completed by the parent/guardian each time medication is to be administered at school. Medication will be administered only from the container it was purchased in according to the directions on the label. Only prescription medication will be administered at school unless pre-approved by the Director. Medication will be stored in a locked container.
Discipline is considered to be a form of guidance rather than a form of punishment. Our school is designed to be safe and to encourage positive socially age appropriate behavior from your children. The staff is trained to effectively use positive discipline approaches such as redirection, role modeling, and time-out.
For the safety of the children and staff any continuous negative behavior by a child such as biting, hitting, or profane language will be evaluated. There will be a week probation period to determine whether the child is suited for our program. If the disturbance is very serious and/or a threat to other children or staff, then he/she will be asked to leave immediately.
Withdrawal from the School
If it becomes necessary to withdraw your child from our school, we request you notify the preschool office immediately. We will refund any unused portion of your tuition payments providing we receive 14 days written notice of your intent to withdraw your child.